Friday, June 3, 2011


Yesterday was one of those great NYC days, bright, cool and breezy.  The perfect day to look at some bright, cool and breezy art.  First to see is the show that Frank has curated at the Interchurch Center, 475 Riverside Drive.  It's near The Riverside Church, on the upper west side.
The exhibit is Frank Mann's "Oculus".  He "explores the act of seeing and depicts the circularity of life."
The "loose circular orb-like structures depict life's flow"
"The inner processes of the eye is externalized so that what the artist presents is open ended.  Starting with the light of the eyes, the images are transformed in the back of the retina and then interpreted in the visual cortex in the back of the brain."

I picked up the NYC gallery guide at the Interchurch Center and checked out some Galleries to see in Chelsea.  Top of my list was the Gagosian.  Sunday Morning on CBS did a piece on their installation: "Picasso and Marie-Therese: L'amour fou."   Picasso's M.- T. was his lover and is considered "the primary inspiration for Picasso's most daring aesthetic experiments in the decade to come."  The most striking thing in the exhibition for me is how the most "aesthetic experiments" of Picasso so truly capture what we see of Marie-Therese in the photos at the exhibition.
But there are others I can show you.

Then to 530 West 25th street, Viridian Artists exhibit of Robert Mielenhausen's "Rome"

I love it when an artist makes me smile.  I thought he was real at first.

1 comment:

marion21t said...

Thank you for the photo's and info. They are great. I can't wait to show Raul.