Monday, September 24, 2012


Boetti's Mappa and Tutti

Every one of these art works are embroidered by hand, needle, thread, little stitches:
This is from his piece 'one to a hundred and back'.  I wanted to show the stitches but needed the zoom and the clarity is diminished when I zoom.
Count the dots.
I like the piece because it reminds me of a piece Frankie did of a stick figure.  It grows and changes just adding one piece at a time.  
There is so  much, but I want to point out that the Tutti piece is made up of many images:
people, glasses, corkscrew, outlines of countries
And the three graces, Euphroseyne, Agalaea, and Thalia [Beauty, Charm and Joy].  They look like they are modeled after Raphael's 'Three Graces'.  It is said to be the first time Raphael painted the female nude front and back.


Time to renew my membership to MOMA.

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