Monday, May 28, 2012


I figure if I have provocative titles I'll get more readers.
But also the stones have been a perverse pain in more ways than one.  They have altered my diet, my mood and my daily life.  I had the lithotripsy and it went well at the time but I've still had back pain.  Today is my first day without pain.  Friday I had the x-ray and I see the MD Tuesday June 5th.  I hope the stones are gone.

Got to get me one of those seats.  Spend too much time standing around waiting for people.
The photo was taken outside the met where I went to see the 'Steins Collect' exhibition.  I was very moved by Matisse's 'Woman with a Hat' and other pieces the Steins had collected.  [They are on view at the Met website]
I did not know that Gertrude and Leo's brother Michael and their sister-in-law Sarah were even more prolific collectors.  They were so admiring of artists that they had their home designed by Le Corbusier.

Where else have I been.  Went to the Public and saw 'February House'.  Excellent musical that I will write about another time.  Lots of movies from netflix, nothing special, basically reading and resting.

The farmers market at Union Square


And on the street:
The window display at Fisher's Eddy [silverware-silverwear?]

This is the 4th group of young people I saw asleep on the street within 10 blocks.

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