Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wall Street Demonstration

As many people know there have been demonstrations centered at Zuccotti Park against Wall Street.  Today, the day after the big demo, I don't like crowds, I went down to take a look and to take some photos.
Lots of people
The police were a strong presence and moving people along.  One Sergeant said to keep moving or "GET in the park!".  I left.
It was not possible to find recent figures but in 2005 the average CEO pay at an S&P 500 corporation was $11,358,445.  Average!  The ratio as of 2004 of CEO to Worker pay was 431 to 1.  The average American worker at that time earned $27,460.  One sign at the demo showed the ratios around the world.  Japan is 20 to 1.   I just kept walking and I found more cops.  Mariska Hargitay from Law and Order Special Victims was filming on the courthouse steps at Foley Square and Tom Selleck was filming something called True Bloods, between Police Plaza and the Municipal Building.
Is there a relationship between the number of police dramas in our culture and the passivity of many people to the inequities in that culture?

1 comment:

Daisy said...

I did a double take with your first picture. I thought the lady with her back to your camera was me! Doppelganger.....