Thursday, September 8, 2011

Opening night for the L E S Galeries

I didn't make the opening last night.  I was busy rescuing a damsel in distress.  She was very drunk and collapsing on the street.   About in her forties or fifties carrying two shoulder bags.  I reached to help and touched her.  A mistake.  She recoiled.  So when I asked if she was all right she slurred that she wanted to be left alone.  I left; went to a bar for some club soda and to watch, to see that she was all right.  She leaned on a fence with her head down and didn't move for the time it took me to drink the soda.  I went back out and talked to her.  You see, I was thinking of that girl who got drunk and was raped by a police officer.  We're all too vulnerable to add to it by being drunk in public.  The Damsel listened to me talk about all the traffic and how dangerous the streets were at night.  She agreed to let me help her home.  I really had to lift her because she couldn't walk.  Fortunately, there was a Starbucks and she agreed to a coffee.  When we got inside I found a table with two young ladies.  I thought they might help and might make my Damsel more comfortable.  They were taken aback by her condition and ignored us.  The Damsel wanted an espresso.  I got her a double.  She drank a little and then nearly conked her head on the table.  Eventually, I thought to ask my espresso friend if she had a cell phone.  She dug it out of her bag and gave it to me.  I asked who should we call.  Her husband, Harold.  I couldn't work the phone.  I gave it to the young lady at the table and she found Harold; handed me the phone, saying you're really nice.  I dialed Harold and gave the phone to our Damsel.  She mumbled into the phone "I'm coming home" and hung up.    Then got up and stumbled out of Starbucks.  She was intent on getting home by herself.  I caught up.  Got her to wait.  Went back got the phone and her bags and walked her to her apartment building.  By then she was on her own two feet and asking me my name telling me who she was, thanking me etc.  She had gone to a meeting and a lot of hard work was brought to naught.  Frustrated she got drunk.  Don't ask me who she is.  I'm just talking about it because this is what happened to me last night when I thought I was going to a Gallery opening.