Thursday, September 20, 2012


They're not shy about using a euphemism that some may consider vulgar.  I presume as long as they use the symbol of a rooster they're cleared.  Last season it was 'The Motherf**ker with the Hat'.  There's no barnyard animal for that one so it wasn't cleared.  I mention the MF play because there are some similarities.  Most notably the mix of drama and humor.  Both are about relationships that are struggling to stay intact.  I think both are very good but I prefer the MF'er.  It was more naturalistic.  Cock has no scenery.  It takes place in the round as though the audience has come to see a cock fight.  The fight is between the male lovers John [Cory Michael Smith] and 'M' [John Butler Harner].   M is dominant in the relationship to the extent that he reminded me of Martha in 'Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf'.  He is constantly needling John.  The plot:  John meets a woman 'W' [Amanda Quaid] and decides that he wants to marry her.  M fights for their relationship and brings in his father 'F' [Cotter Smith] to back him up.  The climax comes at dinner for all the principles and ends with a very unhappy, almost catatonic, John staying with 'M'. Wonderful, witty dialogue by the author Mike Bartlett.  All the acting is terrific and I would recommend the play.  My only issue:  I can't see the woman, who is smart, divorced, and independent going to the dinner because 'M' invited her.  It seemed, as Sandra said, contrived.
After the play Sandra and I had a snack and some drinks at a very nice restaurant, Un Deux Trois.  Tom joined us later and then home to bed.
At Sheridan Square.


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